Feb 8, 2015
ANNUAL NATIONAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP WEEK (ANEW) The Annual National Entrepreneurship Week (ANEW) is a week-long programme for the promotion of entrepreneurship in the university system as well as an outreach platform for the projection of entrepreneurship to the larger...
Feb 8, 2015
The Alliance for Earth Sciences, Engineering, and Development in Africa (AESEDA) Nigeria. Background The Alliance for Earth Sciences, Engineering, and Development in Africa (AESEDA) was conceived in Pennsylvania State University in 2003 in conjunction...
Feb 8, 2015
ACE UPDATE OCTOBER 2015 AFRICAN CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE (ACE) The ACE project was launched in 2013 by the governments of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo, with support from the World Bank. The objective of the ACE Project is to promote...